With the wing skins riveted, there really wasn't much left to do. The two tasks that I focused on this week, were riveting the hinges for ailerons and flaps, and finishing my landing lights. The first task was fairly straightforward, test fit the hinge by fastening it the wingskin, making sure that everything is in more or less perfect alignment. Then replace most of the clecos with loose rivets, and finally use the rivet gun to pull the rivet, tightening the fit thus making the clecos unnecessary. You remove the few remaining clecos and fit rivets in their spots Badaboom Badabing, hinge riveted. The remaining steps of the landing light installation are, cutting a hole for the light to escape the wing, fitting a lens to retain the proper shape in the leading edge, and installing the lens holding hardware. This week I put the dremel to the metal and cut a hole in the leading edge. You would think it to be fairly straightforward, and for the most part you would be right. The D...